Siemens Star

First get the siemens_star.cxi file from the CXIDB.

For a more detailed introduction to the speckle-tracking interface, start with the Diatom example tutorial.

The Input CXI File

The file has the following structure:

 └─ $  h5ls -r siemens_star.cxi
/                        Group
/entry_1                 Group
/entry_1/data_1          Group
/entry_1/data_1/data     Dataset {400, 480, 438}
/entry_1/instrument_1    Group
/entry_1/instrument_1/detector_1 Group
/entry_1/instrument_1/detector_1/basis_vectors Dataset {400, 2, 3}
/entry_1/instrument_1/detector_1/distance Dataset {SCALAR}
/entry_1/instrument_1/detector_1/mask Dataset {480, 438}
/entry_1/instrument_1/detector_1/x_pixel_size Dataset {SCALAR}
/entry_1/instrument_1/detector_1/y_pixel_size Dataset {SCALAR}
/entry_1/instrument_1/source_1 Group
/entry_1/instrument_1/source_1/energy Dataset {SCALAR}
/entry_1/instrument_1/source_1/wavelength Dataset {SCALAR}
/entry_1/sample_1        Group
/entry_1/sample_1/geometry Group
/entry_1/sample_1/geometry/translation Dataset {400, 3}

This is the minimal amount of information that the input cxi file can have, see So, as we can see in the entry_1/data_1/data the dataset consists of 400 frames, where each frame is an image of 480x438 pixels.

For this tutorial, we will show how to reconstruct the wavefield and sample reference image using the Python Interface and the Command-line Interface. If you are using the GUI interface, then follow the Command-line Interface with the corresponding widget and input values.

Python Interface

Make the mask

First let’s import speckle tracking and things, then call the make_mask() function with default settings to create a binary True/False (good/bad) pixel map for the detector. Then we are going to write this back into the file:

import speckle_tracking as st
import h5py
import numpy

# extract data
f = h5py.File('siemens_star.cxi', 'r')

data  = f['/entry_1/data_1/data'][()].astype(np.float32)
basis = f['/entry_1/instrument_1/detector_1/basis_vectors'][()]
z     = f['/entry_1/instrument_1/detector_1/distance'][()]
x_pixel_size = f['/entry_1/instrument_1/detector_1/x_pixel_size'][()]
y_pixel_size = f['/entry_1/instrument_1/detector_1/y_pixel_size'][()]
wav          = f['/entry_1/instrument_1/source_1/wavelength'][()]
translations = f['/entry_1/sample_1/geometry/translation'][()]


mask  = st.make_mask(data)
Generate the Whitefield

Now we make the “whitefield” which is what I call the image formed on the detector when there is no sample in place. You might already have this from a separate measurement, but usually it’s better to estimate it directly from the scan data which we do by calling make_whitefield():

W = st.make_whitefield(data, mask)
Define the ROI

Often, the region of the detector with useful diffraction is small compared to the full detector area. So defining the ROI (Region Of Interest) speeds things up, do this manually or by using a script that tries to guess this region guess_roi():

roi = st.guess_roi(W)

# apply ROI
shape = data.shape
data  = np.ascontiguousarray(data[:, roi[0]:roi[1], roi[2]:roi[3]])
W     = W[roi[0]:roi[1], roi[2]:roi[3]]
mask  = mask[roi[0]:roi[1], roi[2]:roi[3]]
Determine the defocus

Now let’s refine the focus to sample distance fit_thon_rings():

defocus, res = st.fit_thon_rings(
             x_pixel_size, y_pixel_size,
             z, wav, mask, W, None)
defocus_ss = res['defocus_ss']
defocus_fs = res['defocus_fs']

defocus_ss and defocus_fs are the distances between the beam waist along the slow and fast scan axes of the detector respectively. The average of these is the defocus distance.

Generate the pixel mapping

Now let us estimate the geometric distortions of each image from the defocus values (defocus_ss and defocus_fs) using generate_pixel_map():

pixel_map, pixel_translations, res = st.generate_pixel_map(
        None, None, True)

dss = res['dss']
dfs = res['dfs']

where these last values (dss and dfs) are the linear dimensions of the demagnified pixels along the detector slow and fast scan axes, which may be different from the lab frame x and y axes.

Form the reference image

Now we calculate the projection image of the sample using our initial estimate of the pixel mapping, via make_reference(), which will be somewhat blurry because of the remaining lens aberrations:

O, n0, m0 = st.make_reference(

Now we have the pixel map and the object map, we can refine our estimate for all parameters in the system. Here is the full working example with a basic refinement loop:

import speckle_tracking as st
import h5py
import numpy as np

# Read data
f = h5py.File('siemens_star.cxi', 'r')

data  = f['/entry_1/data_1/data'][()].astype(np.float32)
basis = f['/entry_1/instrument_1/detector_1/basis_vectors'][()]
z     = f['/entry_1/instrument_1/detector_1/distance'][()]
x_pixel_size = f['/entry_1/instrument_1/detector_1/x_pixel_size'][()]
y_pixel_size = f['/entry_1/instrument_1/detector_1/y_pixel_size'][()]
wav          = f['/entry_1/instrument_1/source_1/wavelength'][()]
translations = f['/entry_1/sample_1/geometry/translation'][()]


# Intialise

# auto make the mask
mask  = st.make_mask(data)

# auto make the whitefield
W = st.make_whitefield(data, mask)

# auto make the region of interest
roi = st.guess_roi(W)

# apply ROI
shape = data.shape
data = np.ascontiguousarray(data[:, roi[0]:roi[1], roi[2]:roi[3]])
W    = W[roi[0]:roi[1], roi[2]:roi[3]]
mask = mask[roi[0]:roi[1], roi[2]:roi[3]]

# estimate defocus
defocus, res = st.fit_thon_rings(
             x_pixel_size, y_pixel_size,
             z, wav, mask, W, None)
defocus_ss = res['defocus_ss']
defocus_fs = res['defocus_fs']

# generate pixel map
pixel_map, pixel_translations, res = st.generate_pixel_map(
        None, None, True)

dss = res['dss']
dfs = res['dfs']

# make reference image
O, n0, m0 = st.make_reference(

# Main loop

errs = []
for i in range(10):

    # calculate errors
    *error, flux_corr = st.calc_error(
                  data, mask, W,
                  O, pixel_map, n0, m0,

    # store total error

    # update pixel map
    pixel_map, res = st.update_pixel_map(
                data, mask, W, O, pixel_map,
                n0, m0, pixel_translations,
                search_window = [30, 30],
                clip = [-40, 40],
                fill_bad_pix = True,
                integrate = True,
                quadratic_refinement = True)

    # make reference image
    O, n0, m0  = st.make_object_map(data, mask, W, pixel_translations, pixel_map, subpixel=True)

    # update translations
    pixel_translations, res = st.update_translations(data, mask, W, O, pixel_map, n0, m0, pixel_translations)

    for j in range(i+1):
        print('error: {} {:.2e}'.format(j, errs[j]))

# Additional analysis

# calcuate phase profile
phase, angles, res = st.calculate_phase(pixel_map, W, wav, z, x_pixel_size, y_pixel_size, dss, dfs)

# use phase to calculate focus profile
profile_ss, profile_fs, dx, dy, dz = st.focus_profile(phase, W, z, wav, x_pixel_size, y_pixel_size, zs=[-1e-4, 1e-4, 1000], Nint=4)

# calculate the sample thickness profile
# for gold from
delta, beta = 1.11737199E-05, 1.38204348E-06

# cut 100 pixels from each edge
ref_roi = [100, O.shape[0]-100, 100, O.shape[1]-100]

sample_thickness_pag, sample_thickness_ctf = st.calculate_sample_thickness(
            delta, beta, z,
            dss, dfs,
            O, ref_roi,
            set_median_to_zero = True)

# Write results
# 'un-roi' arrays to put them on the original pixel grid
pixel_map_out = np.zeros((2,) + shape[1:], dtype = pixel_map.dtype)
pixel_map_out[:, roi[0]:roi[1], roi[2]:roi[3]] = pixel_map

angles_out = np.zeros((2,) + shape[1:], dtype = angles.dtype)
angles_out[:, roi[0]:roi[1], roi[2]:roi[3]] = angles

phase_out = np.zeros(shape[1:], dtype=phase.dtype)
phase_out[roi[0]:roi[1], roi[2]:roi[3]] = phase

    'reference_image': O,
    'n0': n0, 'm0': m0,
    'dss': dss,
    'dfs': dfs,
    'defocus': defocus,
    'defocus_ss': defocus_ss,
    'defocus_fs': defocus_fs,
    'pixel_map': pixel_map_out,
    'pixel_translations': pixel_translations,
    'propagation_profile_ss': profile_ss,
    'propagation_profile_fs': profile_fs,
    'propagation_profile_voxel_size': np.array([dx, dy, dz]),
    'phase' : phase_out,
    'angles' : angles_out,
    'sample_thickness' : np.array([sample_thickness_ctf, sample_thickness_pag])
    }, og='speckle_tracking/')

Command-line Interface


# build the pixel mask (with default settings) siemens_star.cxi

# build the white-field array (with default settings) siemens_star.cxi

# estimate the significant region of interest siemens_star.cxi

# estimate the defocus values by ``Thon ring'' fitting siemens_star.cxi

# check the result of the above procedure siemens_star.cxi/speckle_tracking/thon_display has just written three defocus values into the cxi file at the default locations:

/speckle_tracking/defocus_fs 3.68e-4
/speckle_tracking/defocus_ss 3.94e-4
/speckle_tracking/defocus    3.81e-4

The first value, “defocus_fs” is the distance between the beam waist and the sample along the “fast scan” axis of the detector, the second, “defocus_ss” along the “slow scan” axis and the final value, “defocus” is the average of the two previous values. By default, generate_pixel_map() just takes the average value. But the initial pixel map will be much better if we account for this astigmatism by providing the two defocus values.

First just run generate_pixel_map() with the default configuration. This will copy the file generate_pixel_map.ini into the current directory. Then change the first two parameters, so that he file appears thusly (I have removed the comments):

defocus_fs = /speckle_tracking/defocus_fs
defocus_ss = /speckle_tracking/defocus_fs
dfs        = None
dss        = None
roi        = /speckle_tracking/roi
mask       = /speckle_tracking/mask

h5_group     = speckle_tracking ;str, name of h5 group to write to
basis        = /entry_1/instrument_1/detector_1/basis_vectors
z            = /entry_1/instrument_1/detector_1/distance
x_pixel_size = /entry_1/instrument_1/detector_1/x_pixel_size
y_pixel_size = /entry_1/instrument_1/detector_1/y_pixel_size
translations = /entry_1/sample_1/geometry/translation

Now rerun the command to produce the initial estimate for the pixel map, this will automatically use the parameters in the configuration file stored in the same directory:

# generate the pixel mapping siemens_star.cxi

# build the reference image siemens_star.cxi

# check that the reference image is vaguely sensible siemens_star.cxi/speckle_tracking/reference_image

After executing the last line and adjusting the display, you should see a vaguely sensible image of a siemens star:


Main loop

Now we will iterate through the commands calc_error(), update_pixel_map(), make_reference() and update_translations() until convergence:

# calculate the figures of merit siemens_star.cxi

# see below for the parameters siemens_star.cxi

# see below for the parameters siemens_star.cxi

# update the reference image siemens_star.cxi

The initial error (error_total) is 5.1e7, 2.0e7, 1.8e7